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Investor Relations

Ethical. Stunning. One of a Kind.

Our mission is to create a more transparent, sustainable and compassionate jewelry industry.


Gem Legacy

We partner with Gem Legacy, an organization that supports vocational training, entrepreneurship, and community development in East African artisanal gem mining communities. Through this collaboration, who might otherwise go hungry, which boosts their attendance and improves test scores.



Our partnership with Pact-Moyo in Kenya helps to create fair trade markets for female gemstone miners and funds a financial literacy program, WORTH, that teaches over 200 people how to build secondary sources of income, benefiting over 1,400 household members.



We partner with the Alliance for Responsible Mining, who administer the precious metal certification program called Fairmined. This program ensures that gold has been responsibly mined and that the small-scale miners of that gold receive a fair-trade price.


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